beach wood

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Don't unpack.

As I log on to facebook and see every one's "Look how awesome my year was" picture reals I can't help but cringe. I don't care to create a recap of my year. I know what those pictures and statuses say. I lost my Dad. Did I know going in to 2014 that I would quickly find myself sitting in an ICU room saying good bye? No. No one starts the year off thinking of the terrible horrible things that may happen. Man created the calendar system giving us a false sense of a restart every 12 months and for that we are thankful. However, the truth is, our lives on January 1st  are no different from December 31st. What ever you are experiencing will still be there. I know some live for resolutions and setting goals. If you are one of those goal minded go-getter look at my vision board folks, awesome. If you are like me and have no clue what God has planned for the next year,but are buckled up and ready for the ride, awesome. Life is crazy kids.

Would I say last year was the worst year of my life. No. Was it a hard one? Yes. Do I struggle to recall a good portion of my year? Yes. But God was there. He told me so in the weeks leading up to my Dad passing. He told me to stick with him when times got rough. To not focus on things and imagine how they will go. He assured me that his timing was intended for me. That I would experience things when he wanted me too and to stop experiencing them by preemptively playing them out in my head. I learned to be present in the moments I was experiencing. While some days it was more of  a coping strategy than a "look how blissful life is". I learned over time to experience the moments.

Two good friends brought adorable babies into the world, I got to be by my best friend's side as she got married. I coached a crazy group of 13 year old girls who were full of personality and made me laugh when I needed it. I went on a  long over do family vacation. I got to see my brother graduate and start college. I went on trips with friends and jammed at concerts. I brought home a pretty cool cat named Stitch. I laughed as the state of Georgia came to a screeching halt for snow. I saw a four year old kick leukemia's butt. It was a good year.

As I say good bye to 2014 I don't look back and think this was the worst year of my life. It was hard, but it was good. I don't care to create a recap montage of my year because I don't want to stay stuck in this year. I want to move forward. What ever journey you are on, keep moving. Don't get off the train and unpack. You are going to have hard times. You are going to lose loved ones. Babies will be born, People will get married. Adventures will unfold. Just know they aren't on your timeline. You have to have bad and you have to have good. They give life color and meaning. With out them life would be so very dull.

So bring it on 2015. I'm packed and ready for you.

"All praise to God, the Father our our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ." 2 Corinthians 1:3-5.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Down Side to 30

This past month I turned 27. Ya'll..... TWENTY SEVEN. That is on the down hill side to 30 people. My brother kindly informed me of this little detail when he wished me a happy birthday. This past month or so has seen a dozen birthdays, 1 wedding, 2 beautiful babies brought into this world for me to love on, a good 6 or 7 "due in april" baby announcements pictures. All going with the ever popular adult shoes and baby shoes option. Consequently, this is has resulted in a few gender reveals this past week. All girls. Congrats breeders! But as I inch closer to that 3 in the tens place I don't feel the crazy need to get married and procreate. I don't feel a panic to get my life together, all though I do feel like one day some one will call me out on not truly being an adult. For example, going to the bank to handle money matters and not having your parent beside you in the other chair.... it's just weird some days. I often find myself looking over my shoulder to see if any one has figured me out. But even with my lack of feeling like an adult I do feel like I am getting to the good part of life. It's just getting good. I have awesome friends. Some have kids, some don't. Some are married, some aren't. I love them all for what ever purpose they are serving in my life.

Do I want some one to annoy for the rest of my life and put up with my ridiculous  loving ways? Of course!  Do I want children to corrupt raise to be upstanding people? Absolutely. But for now I am good. I see no need to make a list of 30 to do by 30. This is not a dead line or an expiration. I really truly have no clue where life is going. NONE. This little detail is causing great anxiety some days. I know God has a plan for me and I am trying to listen to what it is. But could the big man send me a post it with some hints?? maybe?? I'll settle for a vague fortune cookie even My controlling virgo/first born side does not like this open ended plan I have going but I am getting better with it. I know I want to travel and go on adventures big and small. Near and afar. (sorry on the afar part Mom.)

Our 20's are crazy and we have all been pulled in a different direction. And there's nothing wrong with any of them. Some people have great jobs and are on a great road to success. Good for you. Some of us have started our own families and I think that's wonderful. Then some of us are trying to figure out what the next move is. So what ever your adventure is switching to solid foods and finally sleeping through the night, or maybe it's being top 5 in sales and landing the big promotion. Maybe you are planning for that life changing trip you have always wanted to take. What ever your current adventure may be, enjoy it. Our 20's are crazy and we are pulled every which way. Personally, I am just trying to enjoy

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Why We Make A Big Deal About The World Cup

As many of you know, the 2014 World Cup has begun in Brazil and will be for the next month. The highlights will consume your sport center and even some morning talk shows. Mainly because there are no other major sports taking place during the summer outside of baseball leaving the world void of sports highlight reals. I have had repeated discussions with friends who are clueless about this world and feel it's important I bridge this gap so we can all get along this summer. While many of you will jump on this band wagon of liking soccer, here is a break down of why we make a big deal about this.

1. It only happens every four years- March Madness, Superbowl, World Series: those are yearly and often repeatedly dominated by a few teams. Sorry Miami. 

2. All the good soccer players are in one location- During non-world cup years they are off playing all over the world in various leagues. So for one month we get them all in the same tournament and get to watch all our favorites play our other favorites.

3. It's the one time we don't have to ask the bar tender to change the channel to get the game, and that's banking that they have it. For one month we own the bar tvs. You are free to join us in our viewing and we welcome all new soccer fans. 

4. Crazy things happen in soccer. Like an own goal in the opening game BY BRAZIL who is hosting the world cup. Or the former world cup champs losing 5-1 in their first game. Oh and that time the US scored in the first 30 seconds of the game. Those aren't exciting at all. 

5. Americans aren't the best and probably won't win. And you know, it's kinda nice not being the number one seed. As fans, We just want to see them do well with their tough group play. We won our first game and with a win in our next game can make it out of our group.  I know the "group of death" means nothing to you all dear non-soccer fans, but we believe in our team and we believe they will get out of group play. We are not expecting a world cup victory from our boys, but we know they can compete at this level. 

6. The rest of the world goes nuts over this event, so to those of you non-world cuppers, you are truly the odd man out on this one.

7.  In the greatest display of sportsmanship, the players swap jerseys after the game and walk around with their shirts off. I am sure none of my male soccer buddies make much of this moment. But for us girls, it makes it worth it.

So to those of you who know nothing about this sport and do not understand the hype. We welcome you to our celebration. Feel free to join us. May you see the beauty and excitement in the game. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The New Hollywood

Due to some smancy fancy tax laws or something or other, the peach state is now the place to go for movie making. Having the Marietta Square shut down for filming is a regular occurrence as we welcome the likes of Adam Sandler, Jim Carry and as of two weeks ago, Oprah. We've got your southern charm, old houses dating back to the 1800's, diverse landscapes, and all in a short drive from the Atlanta airport. I see the appeal Hollywood. Although this has slightly hindered my movie going experience when you recognize the landmarks in the background while the lead character talks about being in completely different state. I'm talking to you Due Date

So some of the perks to our new Hollywood status is the movie crews often leave a place nicer than they found it. Paint touch ups, lights fixed, store fronts tidied up. Just the other week Oprah and her friends were here filming a Martin Luther King Jr. Movie. Pretty sure Oprah herself was in it, hard to confirm as we were only a loud to get so close to set. However, when the director called cut two guys with umbrella's quickly ran to a lady who looked like Oprah and some one handed her water. Not saying it was here, but not every one got an umbrella. So if it were Oprah, I saw her clock some dude upside the head with a purse. It was a lovely let with lots of old time cars and street sings. It was quiet cute seeing the old time decor in town. While I welcome you all to my state and town, I hope it stays as is. You come, you film, you employ a few locals, and then you go on your way. I hope the ways of Hollywood stay away from our southern way of life, but if you do come; no worries, we will simply bless your heart. 

I appreciate all aspects of film making, it was what I studied in college after all. Being an extra is on my bucket list, but I can never seem to meet the criteria or am available. But one day I will be an extra. So if any of you film folks need a person to memorize a line or two, I'm your girl and we're glad Georgia's on your mind. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

To the class of 2014 aka my brother.

As I sat and watched my little brother graduate from high school, I couldn't help but laugh at my own life and how it has gone since I crossed that stage. For some odd reason I always used my brother's graduation as a marker for what my life would be like on that day. Possibly married and maybe a kid on the way, or maybe just engaged. I thought I would be working in sports broadcasting with some cool job down town and maybe even living Atlanta too. If only I had known how wrong I would be. If you told me I would be a special ed teacher I would have laughed in your face; and I am no where near marriage or kids and that's ok. Losing my Dad to Leukemia only 4 months before my brother's graduation definitely wasn't part of the plan. I wish I could give my brother all the wisdom I have acquired so he makes the most of the next four years, but I know as any 18 year old boy he won't listen to his big sister's advice, so I will write it here where he can access it any time he finds himself needing to remember what I told him. So here's to you Class of 2014. 

Enjoy the next four (or five) years of your lives. They will pass all too quickly and you will miss the bubble that is college all to much. Join a student group. It doesn't matter which one, but join one. You will need a support system. Call your mother frequently and answer her text. Text her twice on days when something horrific is in the news. She will visualize it happening to you. She will worry about you. This will never go away so embrace this side of your mother. Don't buy your text books before the semester starts, wait till you need them, then rent. This is your first experience of how expensive the world is and how much of a rip off things are. Don't get a pet. Get experience in a field you are interested in. Learn to network and network well. This is how you will get your first job. Have good character. Don't sleep around and educate yourself on birth control. I'm too pretty to be an aunt just yet. Clean your apartment, it will win you bonus points with girls. Watch what you eat and stay active. Have fun but don't drink to much. Look out for the one who does. Get to know your professors. They have a lot to offer, well some of them do any ways. You will have a crazy professor. Learn to work with them as you will most likely have a boss just like them one day. Don't buy the full meal plan. Join inter murals. Go to sporting events. Study abroad regardless of the cost. It will be worth every penny. Internship. Call your mother. Don't chase a paycheck. Find a group that will do other things for fun outside of bars and parties. Go hiking or just have a game night. Study. Don't get a credit card. Clean your bathroom. Don't hold to tightly to your plan for life. Go to church. You will learn to hate group projects. Save your money. Make new friends. Don't judge others. Volunteer your time some where. Don't sleep away to many weekends. You will be judged based on a resume, make sure you do something to make it look good. You are guarantied nothing. Don't resent those whose parents pay the way for them. You will be better off later on. Call your mother. Enjoy the next few years, you will miss them when they are gone. Don't rush to get a dream job right out of school. Most don't.

There's no telling what my life will look like when you graduate college, but I do know I will be just as proud to be your sister then, as I am now. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Open Doors

As I finally begin to enjoy a school year coming to an end and my last coaching year conclude, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the doors of opportunity that are starting to show up. I feel like I am standing in a long hall way filled with doors. Some closing behind me, some opening to new adventures and some yet to be opened. One of those doors would be this little blog. A few dozen people have told me I should do this so here we go. May I remind you, you have freewill in reading this and you were warned. 

 I thought about what to write about and finally settled on simply going through life on my tiny teacher budget as I figure out life with out coaching soccer 3-4 times a week plus occasional travel. As I rediscover where I live in all it's quirks. I live in an awesome medium size town next to be big city with more to do than one can schedule. And now with out my soccer gig, I will have time to enjoy said events fully. 

While I would love to go charging forward with every door I come to, I know I need to be still and see what lies beyond it. Others I wish would fly open with the big heavenly music and lights just glimmering with opportunity, but I am afraid I find myself locked out of the door and fumbling for the key. Patience in regards to changing my life is one thing I lack. This also makes long term craft projects difficult. I am learning to trust God with this more and more, but some days it's hard. If only he could put a sign on the door sating "be back in 10 minutes, out to lunch" so I would know when my doors would open. However, I have been informed he does not work in such manner. So here I stand in the hall with doors  opening and closing. Scared to move forward, but excited all the same. If the past few years have taught me anything, it's that I have no clue where I will be a year from now, or even 3 months from now. But I know God is going to use me big and I am ready. 

"I have opened a door for you that no man can close." Revelation 3:8